meilleur entraineur privé Montreal meilleur entraineur personnel Canada

Elite Coaching accredited Best Business in Canada!

7 Oct, 2021

? Elite Coaching accredited Best Business in Canada! ?

It’s an honour to have Elite Coaching accredited by the CBRB (Canadian Business Review Board) as one of the Best Businesses in Canada for 2021!

In fact, Elite Coaching is the only business in the category of ‘Personal Trainers’ to have this accreditation for 2021!

This accreditation puts a stamp of approval for businesses demonstrating:

  Customer Satisfaction 

  Outstanding Service

  Business Leadership

  Strong Vision

  Proven Sustainability


Accreditation provides the people with reassurance and peace of mind and ensures them that the businesses have attained a level of credibility that meets or exceeds standards that were developed by the (CBRB) Canadian Business Review Board.

This could not have been achieved alone. 

I (François Preece) thank my staff for giving their best every day with every client, for believing in me and trusting the process so that we can be the strongest team possible to better serve our clients every day. This takes dedication, time, and energy – which has paid off!

Thank you to all my clients, current and past. Your recognition of your satisfaction of your experience with us has made this attainable.

Thank you to my mentor Mark Ottobre for always believing in me and allowing me to see things differently even in the toughest moments so that I can always keep improving to be the best.

And last but certainly not least; thank you to my family and friends who have all contributed in some form or another to this success. You know who you are 😉

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