by Francois Preece | Oct 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
Elite Coaching accredited Best Business in Canada! It’s an honour to have Elite Coaching accredited by the CBRB (Canadian Business Review Board) as one of the Best Businesses in Canada for 2021! In fact, Elite Coaching is the only business in the category of ‘Personal...
by Francois Preece | Nov 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
I’d like to learn more about how you work with your clients exactly. Right now, we offer complete 12-week, and 24-week programs to start in which we cover everything you need to know to get the best results possible from your fitness program. So, this means that we...
by Francois Preece | Oct 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
Program designing can be quite complex. It truly is a science and an art that takes years of education courses and mentoring to start getting good at it. I’ve included a list of factors that we use when designing programs. There are many things to consider and is not...
by Francois Preece | Oct 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Firstly, what is the reason for you wanting to do cardio? Most of the time clients say that it is for their heart health, others tell me it’s for their fat loss. Ok fine but we also need to define what you mean by ‘cardio’ to better answer this great question. I tend...
by Francois Preece | Sep 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Training for optimal body composition is training that is targeted for fat loss and building muscle. When training with such a goal it is important to take into consideration Time Under Tension (TUT). This is defined as the duration in the number of seconds of a...