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Elite Coaching accredited Best Business in Canada!

Elite Coaching accredited Best Business in Canada!

Elite Coaching accredited Best Business in Canada! It’s an honour to have Elite Coaching accredited by the CBRB (Canadian Business Review Board) as one of the Best Businesses in Canada for 2021! In fact, Elite Coaching is the only business in the category of ‘Personal...

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How do you work with your clients exactly?

How do you work with your clients exactly?

I’d like to learn more about how you work with your clients exactly. Right now, we offer complete 12-week, and 24-week programs to start in which we cover everything you need to know to get the best results possible from your fitness program. So, this means that we...

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Putting together The Workout

Putting together The Workout

Program designing can be quite complex. It truly is a science and an art that takes years of education courses and mentoring to start getting good at it. I’ve included a list of factors that we use when designing programs. There are many things to consider and is not...

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But shouldn’t I so some cardio ?

But shouldn’t I so some cardio ?

Firstly, what is the reason for you wanting to do cardio? Most of the time clients say that it is for their heart health, others tell me it’s for their fat loss. Ok fine but we also need to define what you mean by ‘cardio’ to better answer this great question. I tend...

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Training for optimal body composition

Training for optimal body composition

Training for optimal body composition is training that is targeted for fat loss and building muscle. When training with such a goal it is important to take into consideration Time Under Tension (TUT). This is defined as the duration in the number of seconds of a...

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What fat loss supplements really work?

What fat loss supplements really work?

My top two supplements for fat loss and building muscle are fish oil and magnesium. A note of caution. Please don’t go out and buy these at the store. Firstly, you won’t know how to find your personal dosage, you could just waste your money on supplements that don’t...

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Not all supplements are created equal

Not all supplements are created equal

It’s important to understand that not all supplements are created equal. There are 2 types of supplement companies. The first is the kind that you can find at your local pharmacy, Costco, or supplement store. The goal of these companies is to compete for shelf space...

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100% of the time, the belly fat disappears

100% of the time, the belly fat disappears

Want to know how to burn off your belly fat? Time and time again I’ve found that eliminating gluten to have a 100% success rate. So much so that if a client has excess fat around the belly button I will ask for proof that my client isn’t sensitive or intolerant to...

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The truth behind our lie detector…

The truth behind our lie detector…

In regards to fat-loss; most clients initially need to learn to manage insulin. We measure this with body fat around the love handles and / or upper back fat via the BioSignature method.  The love handle site measures short term carb consumption, and the upper back is...

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The most underestimated factor in your transformation

The most underestimated factor in your transformation

Sleep is by far one of the most underestimated factors in improving health, body composition (whether it be fat loss or muscle gains), sports performance and cognitive functions. Check out my sleep video: Did you know that it is during your sleep that your body...

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Can fat-loss be targeted?

Can fat-loss be targeted?

We can target fat-loss via the BioSignature method which measures where body fat is stored, its correlation to hormones, and its imbalances. Hormonal imbalances are often the cause of where you store that body fat and other health concerns including: Poor sleep Low...

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Fat burning mode

Fat burning mode

The following is a breakdown of some key points to remember to help you with understanding some of the basic principles to fat loss success. Key points to remember: Meat is on average 22% protein. So 100g meat equals approximately 22g of protein. The first 60g of...

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The trick to good nutrition

The trick to good nutrition

The trick to good nutrition (and therefore faster results) is to feed your body a combination of protein, vegetables and healthy fats every few hours, this ensures proper recovery from workouts AND optimal energy levels throughout your day.  Balanced nutrition is the...

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The breakfast of champions!

The breakfast of champions!

The breakfast of champions! I’ve applied this. Our clients have applied this. What is it? A breakfast made up of animal proteins and healthy fats. Yes, that’s right. Meat for breakfast. When I say meat, I mean any animal protein found in my Big Fat List of Fat...

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Fruits & Fat Loss

Fruits & Fat Loss

When you put something sweet in your mouth; i.e. not fats, or protein, then that increases the insulin hormone. When you’re looking to burn fat, you want to minimize the increase of insulin and one of the ways to do that is to decrease carbohydrate intake. In...

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The most important meal of the day

The most important meal of the day

If you’re at about 15% body fat or more (you haven’t seen your abs in a long time) then there’s a good chance that you’re not managing carbs well. This is what is called insulin resistance and if you eat those carbs there’s a good chance you’ll keep gaining fat....

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10 Tips To Maximize Your Recuperation

10 Tips To Maximize Your Recuperation

Do you seem to be doing everything right, you’re eating well, you’re training hard and regularly but you’re still not getting the fat-loss results you want? Sleep is by far one of the most under rated factors in improving health, body composition (whether it be fat...

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